Sunday, November 25, 2007


im very hapPy,,,b'cOz finalLy tHe ICT roOm has alrEady a 5O uniTs oF cOmPuter....fOr hOw maNy moNths we waiTed..gOsh.. i cAnt beliEve tHat we aRe nOw usiNg the compUters indiviDually.. !!!!and im veRy prOud..wEll tNx..4 thOse who dOnated these computer.. it really help us.. especiaLY when we are doing our research..assignments..and any activities..that's all and thank u INTEL..

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

iM tHe giRL w/ a sEnSe oF aDvEnTuRe,
iM sTrOnG, fEarLeSs
aNd nEver aFrAid tO dO sOmEtHiNg nEw
i gUeSse iM a loT LiKE aNy

Monday, June 25, 2007


helloo.. u know wat last june 24,the san juan celabrating the SINABLIGAY FESTIVAL....!there was a sinulog which is tradionally celabrated...but i was very dissapointed b'coz the SJNHS group did not they are the people's choice...but i still enjoy the sinulog b'coz the participants try their best to became a champion.....congratulations guyzZzZ..

Thursday, June 14, 2007

twin hearts

h!!!!!!this is my first blog...hahaha.......... and i feel so good and excited.wehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!
And im so thankful to our ICT teacher MR.ERWIN BULABOG for teaching us how to make a blog... and also to my twin sister!!!!!!!!!!!

till next time guyZzZ!